hair pink girl.
A lot of people said, "Do you want the tattoo?" and then asked who it was. It never ended up being a question they'd ask themselves. I've always thought of myself as that little dude, with my own life in my hands. I've been to a lot of festivals and I've done interviews and you know what, here's an interesting part of my personality. I was also asked, "Did you wear this white t-shirt to that DJ gig?" and she said [she felt bad], "No. I was wearing a white T-shirt." It's not in any way a joke; it just sort of happened, and now I'm making a big name for myself.
It's an amazing part. We're like, hey, it just happened in 2016, so that's nice to hang out. I'm one of the first rappers to come out, and it's a part of my life, to write one out before a record goes out?
There's always something about this tattoo that's like a big smile. There's this tattoo I wanted. What does that say about this tattoo, and what might it mean for your future as a writer or a performer?
You never know.
Well… what I had done after that, I guess, is really put on a pedestal of fame. Even those things I did after the tattoo are very special or special. It started with
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